Intro to Information Systems

Home CIS110-F99-Day Lecture

Catalog Description Objectives Outline Evaluation Method Policy Textbook References

Catalog Descriptions of Course

An overview of Computer Information Systems. This survey course introduces computer hardware, software. Procedures, systems, human resources, and explores their integration and application in business and in other segments of society. The fundamentals of computer problem solving and programming in a higher-level programming language are discussed and applied.


bulletIntelligent usage of computers
bulletUnderstanding of the basics of computer information systems
bulletUsage of computer information procedures and data manipulation in computer information systems
bulletUnderstanding of the complexity of programming
bulletAn understanding of computer applications in various segments of society


Outline of Course Content

bulletIntroduction to Computer-based Information Systems
bulletFunctions of an Information System
bulletElements of a CIS
bulletWhy study Information System
bulletHardware: Input, Processing, Output and Storage Devices
bulletComputer system components
bulletProcessing hardware
bulletSecondary storage hardware
bulletI/O hardware
bulletSoftware:Systems and Applications Packages
bulletSystems software
bulletApplications software
bulletProgramming languages
bulletTelecommunications and Networks
bulletTypes of communications media
bulletTelecommunications devices
bulletCommunications software and protocols
bulletNetwork configurations and classifications
bulletBusiness Information Systems
bulletTransaction Processing Systems(TPS)
bulletManagement Information Systems (MIS)
bulletDecision Support Systems (DSS)
bulletArtificial Intelligence (AI)
bulletSystems Development
bulletComputer Problem Solving and Programming
bulletIntroduction to Visual Basic Programming
bulletBuilding an Application
bulletWorking with Intrinsic Controls and Active X Controls
bulletMultiple Forms, Dialogs, Debugging and EXEs
bulletSecurity, Issues and Trends
bulletComputer crime
bulletIssues and Trends at school and home
bulletBusiness trends and information System Effects


Method of Evaluating Students

Homework/lab assignments

40 %

One out of two midterm exams

25 %

Final Exam (Comprehensive)

35 %


100 %

Bonus points (Attendance): 2 % (1.5% for Day Class) deduction for each missing class. See the Policies section below for details.

4 %
(4.5 % for day class)

Approximate cutoff points:

92 - 100 %


90 - < 92 %


88 - < 90 %


82 - < 88 %


80 - < 82 %


78 - < 80 %


72 - < 78 %


70 - < 72 %


68 - < 70 %


62 - < 68 %


60 - < 62 %


< 60 %




    Attendance: Students are expected to arrive on time and be in class every class meeting. Other commitments or conflicts with attending classes and the starting time for the course are irrelevant -- you knew when you signed up for the course and its assigned class time.

    You will be awarded with 4 % bonus points for perfect attendance, which corresponds to two (three for day class)no-penalty absences. If you have a death in the family, car problem, illness, vacation, business trip or anything else that keeps you from attending class, you use your two no-penalty absences. Beyond two(three for day class) absences, each class missed will result in 2(1.5 for day class) points being subtracted from your course grade. No exceptions will be made for anybody for any reason. For example, if you would have earned an 87% for the course but you missed 3 (4 for day class) times, your final grade would become 85% (85.5% for day class). Do not bother to call in, leave a note or e-mail me if you miss class because no exceptions will be made to anybody for any reason. If the college closes due to a snowstorm or other emergency, these days will not count against your absences. Arriving in class 30(20 for day class) or more minutes late will count as an absence.

    Makeup material from missed lectures is the studentĄŻs responsibility. The student is responsible for being aware of all announcements made during his/her absence. Doctor must verify extended medical absence and missed assignments are due the day you come back from absence.

    Homework/Lab: Students are expected to hand in all of their homework and lab projects at the beginning of the class on the assigned day. There will be one extra homework assignment given. Missing one assignment or one low grade will not influence your semester average. No assignment will be accepted late. Doctor must verify extended medical absence and missed assignments are due the day you come back from absence.

    Midterm Exams: Two mid-exams will be given, with the higher exam grade out of two being used in the calculation of your semester grade. Missing one exam, or making one low grade, will not influence your semester average, as your final average will be determined using the other grade. If you are pleased with your first exam grade, you do not have to take the second midterm exam. No make-up exams will be given.

    Final Exam: A comprehensive final exam will be given. No make-up exam will be given.

    Academic Honesty: Students are expected to complete all exams and specified assignments without aid. Examination or project assignments which, in the determination of the instructor, have been copied will not be graded. You are not allowed to use classroom computers for other than lecture related applications in class.



Stair, Ralph. An Introduction to Information Systems. 1997. Course Technology - ITP.

Shelly, Gary, Cashman, Thomas and Repede, John. Microsoft Visual Basic 6: Introductory Concepts and Techniques . 1999. Course Technology ? ITP.

Disks: 5-6 high density 3.5" floppy disks to work on the IBM PCĄŻs in the lab (and elsewhere) to accomplish a series of assignments.


          Parsons, June Jamrich and Oja, Dan. Computer Concepts. Third Edition. Course Technology ? ITP


Home CIS110-F99-Day Lecture